In 2017, the additional training facilities created by the new Eric and Sheila Samson ORT SA IT Academy allowed for exponential growth of the ORT SA offerings. Thousands of feet passed through the Academy for day and night time training, making ORT a hub of activity and action.

The ORT SA STEM Academy has positioned itself ahead of the game, with the coding clubs at schools. Over 200 children are active in Ivory Park, a township north of Johannesburg, and in Soweto at the Gauteng Department of Education’s Specialised STEM School.

The ORT SA Second Chance programme for matric maths and science rewrites continues to bring hope to many to pursue their dream for a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering Math) career. A 95.2% pass rate was obtained in 2017.

Over 150 unemployed youth participated in the ORT IT Bridging Course, with many obtaining the important CISCO IT Essential certificate and others exposed to careers in computers for the first time.

The ORT SA Academy hosted dozens of children for Robotics and Coding Clubs and was a centre for ORT JET business skills training and talks by leading business people.

The ORT2TALK series of fascinating talks by inspirational people attracted a phenomenal attendance.

The Skills and Enterprise Development Academy’s work readiness and business skills training (including NVC) impacted over 7000 unemployed youth and small businesses owners. Businesses in disadvantaged areas benefited from our Business Entrepreneurial Training as well as from networking opportunities and business sharing forums. The ORT SA Training Academy Model will expand to companies,

Special thanks go to Brian Joffe, ORT SA President, Ellis Falkof, ORT SA Chairman, lay leaders, funders, donors and staff for their unwavering support and hard work over the past year.

Contact us for the full Report Back brochure.