On the 24th of February ORT SA launched its Career Hub to an audience of job seekers looking to take charge of their future and live their passion.
What is the ORT SA Career Hub, and What’s It About?
The Career Hub is a series of webinars that will be running through 2021, with the intention of equipping attendees with the skills and knowledge they need to find their dream job.
In line with ORT’s mission of empowering people through education, the Career Hub talks follow the three themes of “Explore, Expose and Experience”.
Explore talks are aimed at exploring your skills, attributes and strengths to find the career you’re best suited for.
Expose talks are designed to show attendees the exciting possibilities the world of work has for us in the future.
Lastly, Experience talks are designed to equip attendees with practical skills that are useful in any industry.
The ORT SA Career Hub Kicks Off
CEO Ariellah Rosenburg kicked off the Career Hub with an opening address about her career journey, the importance of finding your passion and how to find your dream job.
Ariellah brought up some interesting statistics that emphasise the importance of programs like the career hub.
The Importance of Doing Work You’re Passionate About
In a quick survey of the 100 people who signed up for the program thus far, they found the following: 60% of attendees described themselves as unemployed, 29% employed, 7% self-employed and 4% retired.
Despite this, 84% of the people surveyed said they are looking for a career change.
This means that even amongst the 29% of people who are currently employed, there is an incredibly high rate of discontentment with their current jobs or working conditions.
As she went on to stress, when ORT was founded in 1880 the average life expectancy was only around 39 years old.
Today, that number is closer to 79, meaning the average person can expect to spend around 90 000 hours at work in their lifetime.
Taking that into account, it’s almost inconceivable that we could expect people to spend that much time in a job, or a career, that they aren’t passionate about.
Through educating people about potential career opportunities, helping them identify their passions and equipping them with the skills they need to get their foot in the door, the Career Hub by ORT SA aims to empower people to take control of their career journey.
You can also watch the full opening address on the JET FLIX by ORT Jet YouTube channel, or email ora@ortsa.org.za to RSVP your seat today.