The 2020 CBR Project Article

“The project was really empowering, but it wasn’t easy as we had to do the work within a week, so we had to push ourselves. You had to make sure that you push yourself cause you know what you want at the end of the day,” says Thando Phungula, 2020 CBR Project Beneficiary.


The above statement made during an interview by the beneficiary on the 31st of August 2021 upon receiving her NQF level 3 End-User Computing qualification highlights a sobering phrase that we should always keep in our minds: All things worthwhile in life require hard work. As much as we are all too familiar with the statement, we need to instil it in our minds. Why? Because hard work is the foundation for any stability in life, especially in empowering and upskilling ourselves.


The 2020 CBR Project resembled the meaning of hard work as it was one of its kind. It ran for one week starting from the 17th of February 2020 till the 21st of February 2020. The motive behind the project was to give beneficiaries the needed tools to work in the End-User Computing environment. In such a short time, it demanded determination, discipline and, of course, hard work.


However, it would be plausible to ask, what benefits did Thando reap from putting more than the expectation of her after one year of completing the project? Here is what she had to say: 


“Thando today is a woman who is independent. As a woman who wants to see herself do better, I push myself that I don’t stay the whole year doing nothing. I grab every opportunity I get.”


Lesson: Goals are achievable when we do our part. Therefore, we must all strive to work hard and exert ourselves in everything we do because by doing that, we benefit ourselves now and in the long run, just like Thando did.

Thank you to Thando for sharing her gratitude and experience with us, and we wish her all the best going forward.


From left to right: Thando Phungula & Ledile Mabe.