What’s in the Pipeline for ORT SA in 2021?

2021 is the year that ORT SA will aspire to continue bridging the digital and knowledge divide.

We won’t focus on going back to ‘normal’, as it was, because our mission has always been to revolutionise the workplace. We will continue to focus on reimagining and reshaping the future.  

We do that through relevant and cutting edge training and mentoring of schools’ leadership, teachers and learners, post-school youth and business owners and professionals.  

Education has been getting a lot of criticism for not fulfilling its purpose. Some people think that schools and universities are not preparing our children for the world of work and are “out of touch” with the real workplace and the skills and knowledge it requires. 

Keeping Ahead of Trends

For education to fulfil its mission, ORT SA will be looking ahead at trends and respond to the skills and talent required. We aim to keep renovating our programmes and incorporate green economy, gaming as well as soft skills and mental coping tools. All along ensuring, we bridge gender inequality and the digital divide.

The global lockdown raised awareness towards the importance of a green economy and, as the public, governments and investors wake up to climate change, the clean – energy industry is gaining momentum. 

As an overview of the new energy system emerges, we will examine the implications of education and skills development. Taking into consideration, professions related to renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.

Bridging Gender Inequality

Various research (such as by NICD) showed that women were disproportionally affected by the Covid19 crisis. They were more likely than men to lose their jobs, as well as taking a share of the additional child care as a result of school closure due to lockdown.  

At ORT SA, we will continue to run Coding and other IT programmes promoting female participation and raising awareness of IT professions not “only as a profession for male”.

Gaming as an Employment Opportunity

The global pandemic has resulted in more people staying home, which was a great boon for the gaming industry. Some sources say the gaming industry has actually eclipsed the film industry as the most popular (and profitable) form of entertainment worldwide. 

This means there will be more available jobs in this industry, however, research shows that for youth to get into these professions, intervention and education must be introduced from an early stage.

Upskilling youth from schooling level, one can ensure that these youth will have a high likelihood of being employable. Online gaming is not for entertainment only and can be used for educational purposes, gamification in the workplace and social change.


COVID-19 has been a trigger to transformation in different sectors and industries. The education and skills development sector need to have a discussion on how we adapt and transform the offering so as not to become redundant and affronted.

About ORT SA

ORT was started in 1936 purely as a fundraising entity. From 1936 to 1994 the organization existed to raise funds for various causes within World ORT. In 1994 with the change in government, ORT SA became an operational organization and began to implement various programmes within South Africa.

ORT SA is a multi-faceted, proactive and reputable organization. It thrives on developing teachers, youth, businesses and communities, by improving the standard of education, so that all can achieve a better life.

For ORT SA, education is more than basic schooling. It’s about empowerment and support. Only then can poverty be eradicated and meaningful lives built.

ORT SA is an educational and vocational NGO BBBEE Level 1 which provides state of the art training and mentoring in STEM, IT education and entrepreneurship.

For more details go to www.ortsa.org.za

ORT JET is a division of ORT SA and was established in 2005 to create an empowering support structure for small Jewish business owners and people with business ideas in South Africa. ORT JET aims to facilitate business growth and financial sustainability by offering mentoring, training and networking opportunities.

Please visit www.ortjet.org.za to view our upcoming training events.