YES Success Story 1: ADAPT IT

YOUTH: Aluwani Nemukula

HOST: Protea South Primary School

  1. What were you doing before this opportunity with YES?

Before the opportunity that I’m given at YES, I was looking for job on different resources and I was also helping my Dad out with his company by managing a few projects and admin.

  1. How has the YES programme impacted your life?

I’ve gained knowledge in personal effectiveness in a business environment, working within a team more effective, compliance with ethics whether at or work or not and time management.

  1. What new skills/experiences/networks have you acquired/been exposed to?

I’ve learnt a lot from SA SAMs and communication language in a business environment.

  1. How differently do you see yourself as a result of the YES programme?

The way I presented myself a year ago is different compared to now, my dress code and appearance.

  1. What future do you see for yourself now?

After this programme I see myself finding a permanent placement either where I am working or another company because the effort I’m putting in on this opportunity is effective.

  1. What advice would you give to unemployed youth?

I would give the youth advice to register themselves on the YES website or source out other work experience programmes that offer trading or not, which will uplift them to be more effective to the economy.