The 3C’s of Career


Proficiency– What am I good at (Natural Talent, Skills, Character strength)

Purpose – What is significant to you in your life? (“passion in service”)

Passion– What I love doing/ State of flow, exhilarating , makes you proud


Find Mentors/ Role models 

Connect with role models in the industry that you are interested in and ask to meet over a phone call, coffee, office 

Build your network 

Who you hang out with … you Become. Extend your close network with people that are close to your values and mission in life


LinkedIn Free courses for jobs in demand:

LinkedIN Learning Free Courses Free Learning Paths for Top Jobs (

Explore Certified and non certified  Free Courses: 

Become a Coder in South Africa:

We Think Code (Requires application process)


Gap Year


Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) is a worldwide movement to link visitors with organic farmers, promote a cultural and educational exchange, and build a global community conscious of ecological farming and sustainability practices.



A comprehensive online list of all available top and latest open bursaries for 2024 in South Africa: