Trust your intuition when choosing a career path

So, by now, you have adopted a growth mindset (Link to post 2), know the importance of acquiring broad skills rather than a single skill (Link to post 3) and you may ask yourself what now? I am still confused…

Many books have been written on the power of purpose, (Amazon lists more than 150K of them), the longing that each of us has to make a difference and live a purposeful life. So why don’t we start the search for our career path combined with our search for purpose?

It is time for deep reflection and working within. The following questions can be asked to help you find your purpose (the WHY for your existence).

Here’s some questions to ask yourself:

  1. Think about yourself as a child. What did you spend most of your time doing? What did you love doing?
  2. If you were a character in a superhero movie. How would you save the world? What will you save the world from?
  3. What do people come to you for advice for?
  4. In what areas do you feel comfortable to take risks in?
  5. What in the world makes you cry? What makes you happy?

Finding the purpose is mostly about how we contribute to the better of other people.

If you find this exercise difficult and not ready for this in-depth questioning. Start with a simple question… What is that you see yourself doing for the rest of your life that will make you jump out of bed every single morning?

We tend to ask what jobs will bring us  a good and secured income but forget to trust our intuition regarding our existence in this world.