ORT South Africa’s Skills & Enterprise Development Academy hosted a heartwarming breakfast event for all hosts who are currently accommodating YES (@yes4youth) youth in their businesses and schools. The event was designed to appreciate host companies for allowing the youth to be under their care for a 12-month work experience programme. Clad in proudly South African attire the occasion allowed hosts the opportunity to network with other companies, share experiences and introduce new ways of dealing with the challenges of hosting youth within their organizations.

The event enjoyed highlights such as an inspiring speech from CEO Ariella Rosenberg, awards given to hosts who have absorbed more than 2 youth within their companies and the issuing of certificates of appreciation to our host heroes.
ORT SA is committed to providing our hosts with the resources and support they need to be successful. We remain motivated to work with these businesses to find new and innovative ways to help young people succeed.
Thank you to our YES youth hosts, we are extremely grateful to you all for your commitment to helping young people succeed. Your hard work and dedication are making a real difference in the lives of these young South Africans.