What Cecelia Motsemedi had to say about ORT SA

“We live in a country with a propelling rocket high unemployment rate. With such high rates, one should expect fierce competition and many scams. It’s easy to point fingers, however when I conduct a self study, I realise I was not armoured with strong wings (skills and information), to propel myself forward. #ORT gave me the motivation to carve something I can be proud of. Never in my wildest dreams a year ago, did I think my blog would have so many followers. When you are a content creator, it’s important to be authentic, transparent and be yourself because your followers can sense fakery. A year later, I have an interview with an author. A year later Accidental teacher is a brand that has stakes in energy, agriculture and property, however it’s growing organically slowly. But, I keep on building because, big things start small as Jeff Bezos said. How did I do it? By seizing the opportunities presented by ORT South Africa
By exploiting the information you post. I love the fact that, you spread valuable information that can be used by school going youth and unemployed graduates.
Now I’m ready to learn content marketing as a skill, because we live in a digital world, I want to be a player in that playground.”