What is complacency?
Complacency is a feeling of satisfaction or security, which may cause us to be unaware of potential danger. We need to have conversations about the risk of complacency because it causes us to be overconfident and unprepared when a dire occurrence becomes a reality, and this applies to all individuals.
An example of a dire occurrence is the Coronavirus Omicron variant that has infected tens of thousands of individuals daily in our country. As we have approached the time of the year where mass gatherings are inevitable, we need to be careful and make sure we are not complacent.
How can we do so?
For starters, we need to keep Desiderius Erasmus’ statement in mind when he said, “prevention is better than a cure.” Remembering this will help us to take basic practical measures to protect not only ourselves but also those around us. In order for us to be protected, we need to ensure we are maintaining a safe social distance, wearing a mask in public, washing hands often and staying home when not feeling well.
In closing, we all need to consider the danger of complacency when it comes to the spread of COVID-19 and do our part to help ourselves and others around us.