YOUTH: Botshelo Moreki
HOST: Rasimone Primary School, Rustenburg
POSITION: IT Assistant
- What were you doing before this opportunity with YES?
I have a small business that I started in 2018.Which I have a great vision to grow it.
- How has the YES programme impacted your life?
I was introduced to IT-Essentials and I was excited because this will assist me aligning with some of the technical work which my company has a major intake in.
- What new skills/experiences/networks have you acquired/been exposed to?
ORT-SA gave me the opportunity to understand and know the basics of computer, which now is so much easy to initiate some work in my company.
- How differently do you see yourself as a result of the YES programme?
Personally, I gained a lot of courage and boldness that will use in my company.
- What future do you see for yourself now?
BotsheloMo Holdings (PTY) LTD has a Digital Marketing, Advertising and Networking site; so ORT-SA truly gave me exposure to start up in digitalization.