YES Success Story 4: RAGING RIVER

YOUTH: Question Mogole

HOST: Scentology, Norwood

POSITION: Administrator


  1. What were you doing before this opportunity with YES?

Before the Yes programme I was running a small business selling skin care and hair products but apart from the hustle I was also involved in youth activities like Lead for life as a facilitator running school programs. I was also a volunteer at SANCA as a motivator.

  1. How has the YES programme impacted your life?

The program gave me a sense of financial security since I get a basic salary, unlike before where business is dependent on the efforts I put forward and the affordability of consumers.

  1. What new skills/experiences/networks have you acquired/been exposed to?

I’m an entrepreneur at heart, learning new ways to make a better living is my second nature, so I being on the Yes programme made me see beyond my regular hustle. I learned to make perfumes. I now know the in/out of the perfume business. Most of the things I do are just general but I put more effort to better myself I especially in the eyes of the employer because that’s where opportunities come from.

  1. How differently do you see yourself as a result of the YES programme?

To be honest my life is still the same.  And that’s what pushes me to do more than I am in terms of work so that it can change.

  1. What future do you see for yourself now?

My plan is to teach someone my selling skills and have them sell perfumes for me while I’m at work. But it’s rare to find someone with the same ambition.


  1. What advice would you give to unemployed youth?

I’d advise others to look at my life and maybe they can see that opportunities don’t come. Opportunities are created. I’ve been without a job but never really struggled to not be able to afford the basics and I did that legally. I’m no different. Was born and bred in a township just like most unemployed youth out there. I believe that if you see it in your mind you can see it with your eyes. Don’t hallucinate though work towards that picture that you see in your mind.